Monday, March 15, 2010

Back to California

So I've come to realize that many of my followers are not my California homies! So for those of you who haven't seen me buzzing around the streets of Marin...I'm back. I came back to California at the beginning of February due to my grandfather's health deteriorating quickly. Thankfully, I made it home in time to be with him and share a few more days of love and closeness before he passed away. The next week was spent almost exclusively with family and long-time friends, which was another great blessing. Rob met more of my family than I think he ever intended to in one week's time, and we celebrated my grandfather's life with wonderful memories and beautiful friends. And then reality set in.....

Man I miss Italy! I cried when I left, and though I knew my fairytale Italian life would have to end eventually, I just wasn't ready for it to be now. So as I struggled through California culture shock, I found myself easily sliding back into all my old niches and facing the less-fun parts of life back here (like driving a car-did I mention how much I LOVED never driving in Italy??). I already knew the cappuccinos wouldn't be the same, and I had to remind myself not to speak to the clerk at the grocery store in Italian, but STILL....It's amazing how I could live almost 25 years of my life in this environment and in 8 months forget it and attach so strongly to another way of life. Ahh, I can hardly wait for June. Thank goodness for ACLE.

It has been so great to see so many long-time friends. The kids have all grown-as I knew they inevitably would-the dogs still love me, and it's been great to catch right up with all the great people in my life around here. Time has flown right along and I am ready to shift my life once again, back east this time. I am excited to see more friends, do more traveling, and welcome spring as soon as it will come. What a great life, right?

These are a few pics of my family and some of our time together. And for those of you who don't know, here's my hometown:

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