Monday, April 16, 2012

Rob's visit!!

Scott's Head and Soufriere
Okay, so I do love to travel the world, I love to see new places and meet new people, and very little stops me from just jumping on a plane and going anywhere. But my BEST travels? Always with Rob. :) Call me a sap, that's fine. It's just way more fun to have a travel buddy and who better than my wonderful husband. In all honestly, Dominica was his idea. He met Jaime last year (who's a missionary down here), and when he invited Rob to come down, the deal was sealed. So after just 8 days of getting "adjusted," the biggest part of the adventure began.
I can rattle off the places we went: Champagne, Porstmouth, Freshwater Lake, Trafalgar Falls, Boiling Lake, Scott's Head, Sari Sari Falls, Horseback Ridge...are ya bored yet? I think the top priority was snorkeling, which was SO amazing. I know we can watch so many cool videos and see so many perfect shots with all the technology we have today, but to actually see it with your own eyes?? It's just breathtaking! Your love of creation and your awe of God just HAS TO grow here, it's impossible not to. One day, we went to Trafalgar Falls, probably one of the top two most tourist spots on this island. So the tourists climb on a bus, ride up the hill, take a picture of this giant waterfall and leave. NOT US. We get to the falls and our friends say there's a really nice little pool right up at the top, where the fall is actually pouring into. So Earl (our local fisherman friend/part lizard) starts scrambling his way up the side of the river, over boulders, lush greenery, and slippery rocks and is up there in no time (he knows this place like the back of his hand). I'm not so skilled, but I thought, it's gotta be worth it. So Rob forges ahead, me trailing cautiously behind...and then you're there. Just staring straight up at this spectacular fall, no one else around, the sounds of nature roaring this amazing's just unreal. So many times, I start on my way somewhere thinking, oh yeah, I like hiking, or, cool, another waterfall. But everytime I arrive, I'm left speechless by another wonder of nature. It's stunning. Oh, you wanted to see a picture? Well, we didn't take any at the top of Trafalgar. Ha! What! You have to come see it for yourselves! Okay, but here's a few others:
Freshwater Lake

Rob's personal spa at Trafalgar
Us at Sari Sari Falls


Sorry, I've left you all hanging on the ridge. It's been quite a journey since then, back to California, then to New York and finally to Dominica. So I've gone from cultural and historical wonder to tropical paradise. Somebody pinch me.

I'm living in a little town called Castle Bruce. We are on the east coast of Dominica, an island a little less than halfway down in the Caribbean. What a place...I don't know if words will really describe where I am. What I am doing, that's easy, but this's stunning. Pictures anyone?

The view from our house, my crab who lives outside my window, and just another reminder that this may be the most lush foliage I have ever seen on this planet.

Here's Castle Bruce:
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