Saturday, July 25, 2009

Where did July go?

Hello one and all-

I'm sorry I've been so lax on updating my journey. Internet access has been difficult and, as I think I mentioned before, we have such little time to do personal things! There's so much to update you on, I'll go back to where I left off last....

After two weeks in Palermo, my friend Kim and I were sent to Aversa, a small town just outside of Napoli. I've had my concerns about Napoli, seeing as everyone says if you're going to get mugged anywhere it will be there, but Aversa was absolutely a highlight for me. My family spoke NO english; I mean, outside of yes, no, and eat, we were really working off of gestures far more than words. I loved them! They were the kindest, friendliest people you would ever want to get to know. They were exceedingly hospitable, and ended up hosting two tutors for the week, due to a shortage of families willing to host. Staying with families who don't speak English is the best way for me to learn Italian, so I'm always thrilled when they tell me they don't speak English. At camp, we're not allowed to converse with the kids in Italian-after all, it is English camp-so when I get the opportunity at home, I'm thrilled.

The camp was fantastic too. It was the first year for this camp, and our director was amazing. She was so accomodating and great to work with-and insanely busy! She has two small boys at home, which is enough to keep anyone busy all the time. I think what was so great for me about the week was that everyone I met just took you in as part of their own family. Whether it was our director, our assistants, our families, even the students; everyday was such a great experience. Though I'm sure it helped that this was my third camp and I'm finally getting the hang of this chaotic life, I think Aversa will always stand out in my mind with fond memories. Here are pictures of me with my class, the other tutors I worked with that week-this was us saying goodbye in Rome :( and one of the puppies of the family I was staying with. How can you resist puppies!

Here is Aversa
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